
New Curtains

We have lived here for TWO years, and I just finally put curtains up in the living room. Yes, I procrastinate.

Getting Adjusted

I just love her face in this picture!


New Toy

Thank goodness for tax refund time! I've been searching for a new camera for awhile, and tonight my husband decided to bite the bullet and spend a little bit more for nice one. Thanks hun. Love ya.


New Rug

We finally got a rug for the living room today! Tyler LOVES how soft it is and can't stop "digging" his toes in. Now Isabella has a soft floor to learn how to roll over on. The hardwood floors are just a bit too cold and hard for a baby!


Kick Gym

Bella just LOVES the kick gym that Wendy brought over tonight. I have never seen her so engaged in a toy before. It was so adorable watching her play. Thanks Wendy! (the picture was taken on my phone so it isn't very clear)


Build A Bear...or Chipmunk

Whenever we go to the Fox River Mall, Tyler likes to walk through Build A Bear Workshop. Since he is always so good and never asks to actually buy a bear, we decided to let him make one today. He was so excited and and had a blast. As you can see, he chose the "limited edition" Alvin.


New Toy

Mama's got a new toy! Now I just have to figure out how to use it. There are SO many things this phone can do. I guess that's why they call it the Hero!



Bella was just chillin' with her book on the big chair this morning. She sat there and entertained herself for about fifteen minutes. Obviously, I was close by! She is SO photogenic. I can't wait to get my new camera! Hurry up W2's - I need my tax refund to get it!


JuSt foR fUn!

Zak rarely lets me photograph him seriously, so I decided to make a fun collage with some of his goofy poses!

Specialty Parking

That's what I'm talking about! I just LOVE specialty parking spaces! Best Buy has spots reserved for "Fuel Efficient Vehicles." Wal-Mart in Appleton had ones for "Expecting Mothers!" Sweet.



Standing in the kitchen this afternoon, I happened to look out the window and see this cardinal perched in the neighbor's yard. It's not a very clear picture, but I have a cheap camera and that's the best it gets when zooming about 30 feet away! It just looked so pretty and bright against the gloomy overcast sky we had today.



Look at that FACE! Don't you just wanna kiss those cheeks?! Here Bella is trying so hard to "blow raspberries." She watches me do it SO closely and gives it a shot herself. Sometimes she spooks herself a little bit, you can see her jump!

Sleep Tight

When Big Brother Zak sleeps over at a friend's house, Tyler likes to fall asleep in Mom and Dad's bed. When Dad gets home from work, he carries him into his own bed. Such a sweety when he's sleeping! Aren't they always though?!


Frugal Fashion

I decided to take a picture of my little Bella in her Christmas jammies tonight as a reminder that I must remain frugal if I want to continue "working" as a stay-at-home mom. Even if it means wearing holiday fashions into the new year. As long as we keep it in the house, right?


Thank You!

I know a lot of people really dislike Wal-Mart, for a variety of reasons. But, they really do have the LOWEST prices and to me, that is important! I also discovered today, that they have HOOKS by the diaper changing station. That is HUGE! I can't tell you how many times I've had to put my pretty diaper bag on disgusting bathroom floors. Thanks for thinking of me Wal-Mart!


Dessert Pizza

Tyler and I had lunch with our friend Amy today at Pizza Hut. Tyler asked me to take a picture of his dessert with my camera phone. So here it is! I absolutely CANNOT get this picture to upload straight to Blogger. The file is correct and I even tried to edit it. Not working. I decided to post it AS IS!!


Preschool Buddy


Chuck E. Cheese

The kids had a blast, as always, at Chuck E. Cheese tonight. This was Isabella's first visit, and unfortunately she was sleeping when Chuck E. came around for hugs and high-fives. There's always next time!

The boys also went sledding earlier today. They were having fun until Zak and Tyler collided, causing Tyler to flip his "sleigh" as he calls it. His right cheek bounced off the icy hill! Ouch.


Bella's New 'Do

We got alot of laughs at Build-A-Bear Workshop tonight when I decided to have Bella try on the teddy bear hair. Maybe this is an insight to what she will look like at age three! If so, it's okay by me! She looks SO stinkin' ADORABLE! LOVE IT!!!

Baby Shower

Today Isabella attended her first baby shower! The shower was given for my Cousin Patrick and his beautiful wife, Amy. They are expecting their son to arrive around February 25, 2010. The doctor is expecting Baby to be on the "big" side. I hope not TOO big, for Amy's sake! Isabella had great time at the shower and was very well-behaved!

The little toy truck on the table was just too adorable to ignore. I had to snap a picture of it.


B-Day Wishes for Mary

HaPpy BiRthDaY MaRy !!!

Love you!

Captain Underpants

I'm not sure which Tyler likes more...posing for funny pictures or being in his underwear! This kid seriously CRACKS ME UP!!!



As soon as I woke up this morning (an hour later than I wanted to, I might add), I had to rush to Appleton for this. Yes, it's the ever so cheerful views from the dentist chair. They ripped FOUR teeth from my mouth. I went in thinking it was going to be three. Lucky me. Now I'm all loopy on Vicodin. =)



Today I decided to put up a picture of some of my crafting items. I have a bit of a passion for things homemade. I would really love to go to craft and art fairs with some of my "creations" someday. I hope that by putting this out there for all to read, I might be a little more motivated to make this happen. I love to make tutus with matching flower headbands and "princess" wands...decorated picture frames, etc. Anything GIRLY! Let's get MOTIVATED!


Take it Off!

Let's not make a career out of this Bella! Lol! She always gets her shirt in her hand then tries to get it in her mouth. Super cute!

The Kiddos


Marker Face!

Tyler must have left an uncapped marker in his bed yesterday, because he woke up like this! He walked into my bedrom this morning to ask if he had school today and I couldn't keep a straight-face. Too funny.


8 Years of Wedded Bliss!

Eight years ago today, in gorgeous Turks & Caicos, I married my high school sweetheart, my best friend. I love you Jamie, ALWAYS & FOREVER!

Uncle AJ

Bella loves her Uncle AJ....maybe it's because he looks a little like Daddy! ;o)



Tyler and his cousin Kaleb LOVE playing vids. Looks like Tyler might not be doing so hot!

Smile...or not.

Someday he'll regret NOT smiling for me!



He LOVES her SO much! He's gonna
kick ALOT of boys' butts lookin' out for THIS girl!


Snow more!

No more snow! I am not snow's biggest fan. I'm not even a mediocre fan.

Got it!

GOT IT!! She has been working so hard to grab onto things and she finally did it! It took her about five minutes of staring it down before she actually grabbed on! It was so cute! I love these little milestones!



The boys' newest masterpieces! We get blank canvas' from Hobby Lobby and paint them. They love it. We have several hanging around the house.



Who needs a magazine?! When he finally got up, he complained that his feet were "buzzing!" Must've been sitting too long!


Tutu CUTE!

My husband always says the only reason I wanted a little girl, was so I could play dress-up. I'm not saying he's right, but....


Go PACK Go!!

Packers win again!


Tyler being goofy...wearing my glasses.


Cinnamon Ice Cream

I have been searching for cinnamon ice cream for YEARS! I have even checked in with the delivery guys in the grocery stores, and nobody had heard of such a flavor. As kids, we used to walk down to Field's Restaurant for ice cream all the time. While everyone else would order Bubble Gum and Blue Moon, Cinnamon was my flavor choice. There are no words to explain how much I love this ice cream! Thank you mom and dad for finding it!

Finished Project!

I bought these used skateboard decks less than a week ago from Streets of Fire. As you can see by the "shelves" on the wall, I actually completed something I started...and in less than 7 days! I couldn't be more proud of myself. (patting back)


Yan Yans

New Year.... might as well try something new! Zak and Tyler loved the Yan Yans we found in the ethnic food section at the grocery store. They are tasty little biscuit sticks with chocolate and srawberry icing for dipping. Yum!


After screaming the whole way home from the grocery store, Isabella was NOT in the mood to get undressed. She was hungry and she wanted to eat NOW!!